Adopt the MA Opt-In Specialized Code
The Opt-In Specialized Code, designed to facilitate a clean energy transition, has been passed in 48 communities in Massachusetts, many of those with unanimous or near-unanimous votes, representing about 30% of the State’s population, and far more in terms of building activity.
What does the Opt-In Specialized Energy code do? (Printable link to this Specialized Code Summary document is here.) See “What you can do” in section below.
The Opt-in Specialized Code was introduced in Massachusetts in late December 2022 as part of a mandated update to our building codes. Since then, 48 communities representing 30% of the MA population (and far more in terms of building activity) have adopted this building code with overwhelmingly positive votes in town meetings and city councils.
The Opt-in Specialized Code builds on the efficiency and clean energy improvements in the updated Stretch Energy Code, providing consumer protections like pre-wiring for future electrification and PV solar panels to help reduce energy costs. These changes save consumers money and unnecessary work to comply with future building code requirements. The Specialized Code will be implemented in 44 of these 48 communities by January 1, 2025.
There are very few changes from the Stretch Code, which 301 Communities in Massachusetts have automatically adopted, to the Specialized Code. There are also incentives for communities who have adopted the Specialized Code. The changes can be outlined as follows:
No additional requirements for additions, alterations, or renovations. * **
No additional requirements for all-electric new construction (except # 4).
Any new residential or commercial construction using fossil fuel combustion systems (except # 4) will need to:
Provide consumer protection by pre-wiring for future appliance and HVAC electrification. (Wiring is easy and very low cost at the time of construction, while being expensive and time-consuming after construction.)
Install a minimum amount of solar (with some exceptions for shading) to reduce utility costs to help offset onsite fossil fuel combustion emissions, thereby lowering operational expenses for the consumer.
Homes over 4,000 SF that are not all-electric must install enough solar or other renewables to offset all of the home’s energy use.
4. Any new large multi-family housing construction (>12,000 sf) will need to meet highly energy efficient (i.e. low energy use) Passive House standards which:
is already being done more and more for affordable housing throughout Massachusetts
results in significantly lower total life cycle costs and minimal additional construction costs - see this new “Safe at Home” report
ensures healthier, more comfortable, more resilient, and more equitable multi-family housing
is eligible for significant upfront incentives from MassSave.
The Department of Housing and Community Development also has a Low Income Housing Tax Credit program that gives extra points for both Passive House and for electrification.
Incentives for communities who have passed the Specialized Code
DOER has established a "Climate Leader Communities" program which will give additional funding/privileges to communities that have adopted the Specialized Code. The description of the program and slides and recording of past presentations are here.
Although not directly linked to the Specialized Code (as the Specialized Code does not require all-electric buildings), the MSBA (Mass School Building Authority) offers an additional 3% incentive for all-electric schools. There are also significant Federal IRA and MassSave incentives which also lower construction costs for all-electric buildings. See the “Making Cents” webinar for a helpful review of these programs.
Last but not least, here is a terrific recording from DOER’s Paul Ormond who talks about the importance of the new STRETCH code. “Cracking the Code: An Update on Passive House and Codes in Massachusetts”, as well his his slide deck “Cracking the Code: An Update on Passive House and Codes in Massachusetts”. This is a great watch and a great way to understand the importance of our new building codes!
Helpful Links:
Passive House Network “Safe at Home”
Not directly related but a great explanation of the importance of the new STRETCH code:
DOER’s Paul Ormond recording on “Cracking the Code: An Update on Passive House and Codes in Massachusetts”
DOER’s Paul Ormond Powerpoint slide deck on “Cracking the Code: An Update on Passive House and Codes in Massachusetts”